Type o negative blood
Type o negative blood

type o negative blood

Healthy eating: Type O negative people who eat the right diet based on blood type and the healthiest and can have a strong digestive track with a diet with lean proteins and less wheat.ġ. No Rh factor: O negative blood type has an Rh-negative factor which is an additional marker in the blood.Ĩ. E.g., the Parental blood of A and A can have a child with O or A blood.ħ. This makes it possible for Parents with different blood groups to have an O blood child.

type o negative blood

Blood group O has neither A nor B antigens in the red blood cells but have A and B antibody in the plasma. O negative inheritance: There is no antigen A or B in O genes (alleles) and their mostly referred to as silent alleles. In fact, in some countries like the US, A negative, B negative, AB negative, and AB positive are rarer than the O negative.Ħ. Not rare: O negative is not a rare blood type as perceived. They are associated with leadership qualities and are highly innovative.ĥ. Personality traits: O negative people tend to be competent, loyal, self-confident, and above all very passionate. It gives a chance to live to all accident victims and transfusion to all patients in need of blood.Ĥ. Universal donor: O negative blood type can donate blood to all other blood types making it a universal donor. Safe for new infants: The red blood cells in O negative blood are safest for transfusion to new infants with an under-developed immune system.ģ. O blood type individuals live the longest of all other blood types.Ģ. Strong immune system: People with blood group O negative have a strong immune system and are thinnest of all other blood types. This article highlights the pros and cons of having O negative blood type.ġ. It doesn’t contain the Rh factor nor has A and B markers. About 6.6% of the world population has people with O negative blood.Įmergency vehicles and helicopters always carry O negative blood since there is no time to ask questions from the patient. It has universal blood cells which can be transfused to almost all patients who are in need. Together we can ensure blood and blood products are available for those who need it most.A person with blood type O negative can help individuals with other types of blood in emergency situations. Please visit Use of Group O RhD negative red cells | Australian Red Cross Lifeblood () for information on managing your RhD O negative red blood cell orders and inventory. The posters are available on the NBA website at: National Standard for Blood and Blood Products Safety and Quality | National Blood Authority.


The NBA has created two posters available to download on general O negative red blood cell management and Emergency group O red blood cell issue. Independent experts who have implemented a program in their hospital or jurisdiction.Australian College of Emergency Medicine.Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine.National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council.Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion.National Blood Transfusion Committee (Australian Red Cross Lifeblood).Working group members include representatives from: The working group will develop a joint statement on group O RhD negative red blood cell use, inventory management and emergency issue practices to be issued nationally. The NBA has formed an O RhD negative red blood cell expert working group consisting of representatives from key organisations. Only 9% of the Australian population are Group O RhD negative however Group O RhD negative red blood cells currently represent over 17% of total red blood cell issues to Australian health providers. The NBA and the Australian Red Cross Lifeblood are working together to manage increasing issues of RhD O negative red blood cells across Australia.

Type o negative blood